Start Here
This page is for students who find the lowest open note (C) the easiest to play and have arms long enough to reach 6th position. If you find the G easier, or have shorter arms, start with the Trombone – Treble Clef – Mid page.
Use this website on its own, or get even more out of it with the accompanying book.
Start with this short video:
Start Here
This page is for students who find the lowest open note (C) the easiest to play and have arms long enough to reach 6th position. If you find the G easier, or have shorter arms, start with our Trombone – Treble Clef – Mid page.
Get even more out of this site with the accompanying Practice Book.
Before you start, watch this short video to check that you’re holding your instrument correctly:
Start Here
This page is for students who find the lowest open note (C) the easiest to play and have arms long enough to reach 6th position. If you find the G easier, or have shorter arms, start with our Trombone – Treble Clef – Mid page.
Use this website on its own, or get even more out of it with the accompanying Practice Book.
Start with this short video:
Before you start, watch this to check that you’re holding your instrument correctly: